Build 80,000 social and affordable homes over five years
Create stronger statutory rights to social housing, and hold a Referendum on the right to housing
End the State’s practice of institutionalising individuals and families in Family Hubs and Direct Provision, providing own-door housing instead
Immediately freeze rents until enough homes are built
Introduce a system of rent caps
Strongly regulate short-term letting
Strengthen the powers and staffing of the Rental Tenancies Board in order to stop unfair evictions
Introduce an NCT-style inspection of rental premises
Help first-time buyers by ensuring that rental payments are counted as part of credit ratings.
Re-introduce a Rent to Buy scheme where after three years of paying rent, it will function as a deposit for the house.
Climate & Environment
Invest in retrofitting homes across the country
Include Community Energy as part of the solution to sustainable energy use and generation, so that the transition to a clean energy system happens in a fairer, more democratic and decentralised manner
Eliminate fuel poverty by increasing Warmer Homes grant funding-
Lead the charge towards a carbon neutral Ireland, ensuring stronger legislation and greater access to justice
Introduce impactful changes as fairly as possible, placing people at the heart of policymaking and ensuring a just transition
Ensure that ALL proceeds from the carbon tax (not just €6/t as currently the case) are ring fenced for climate action
Establish a Diversification Task Force for farmers. Provide annual payments for farmers who convert sections of their land to growing trees.
Set out a rapid programme of peatland restoration and development of alternative native, broadleaf forest systems.
Ban the importation of fracked gas.
Work Reform
Keep state pension age at 66
Enshrine legal rights to flexible working
Promote a 4-day working week
Increase the minimum wage to a living wage
Widen access to work for people with disabilities, by providing greater education, training and employment support
Legislate to ensure a right to collective bargaining for all workers
Introduce a wage transparency law with the aim of closing the gender pay gap
End bogus self-employment
Cycling & Transport
Increase the current transport budget funding for walking and cycling from less than 2% to 20% and ensure that these modes of travel are accessible and safe for all.
Prioritise a significant network of segregated cycle lanes for safer cycling, including the Greater Dublin Area Cycling Network Plan
Increase funding under the Smarter Travel scheme to support organisations in providing necessary cycling infrastructure such as showers, lockers and bike docking facilities
Invest in effective public transport, shortening commutes and improving quality of life
Reduce public transport fares and introduce a €2.50 flat-fare for a 90 minute transferable journey on Dublin Bus, Luas and DART services
Require that all new housing and service development are linked to adequate public transport
Provide low-cost, high quality childcare for all under 12 years of age
Increase the capitation grant for DEIS schools by 50%
Ensure timely access to educational psychologist services
Ensure genuinely free access to primary and secondary school
Provide parents with greater school choice
Invest in disability education services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Child Protection
Recruit more social workers and provide better supports for them
Ensure that children’s Assessments of Need take place within the statutory timeframes and that they are guaranteed the services that they are identified to need in a timely manner.
Provide automatic therapeutic / trauma informed support for all children entering care and in care
Provide more resources to enable family contact for children in care
Expand the support provided to young people leaving care, including a ringfenced service of personal therapeutic supports at a time of their choice
Invest in specialist facilities that will prevent the State sending children abroad for care
Fund a longitudinal study on children in care and leaving care
Invest in primary care, ensuring that our children receive appropriate treatment close to home
Ensure access to GPs, public health nurses, dietitians, speech and language therapists and other allied health professionals to offer our children the healthiest start in life